Right of Reply by Israel Ambassador Ya-acov Levy at the 5th Special Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights-18-Oct-2000

Right of Reply by Israel Ambassador Ya-acov Levy at the 5th Special Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights-18-Oct-2000

    Right of Reply by Ambassador Yaakov Levy before the 5th Special Session of the Commission on Human Rights

    Geneva, October 18, 2000

    Listening to such wild accusations and exaggerations these two days, I could not but notice a curious correlation between the human rights records of Arab States whose representatives took the floor, and the ferocity of the verbal attacks they launched against Israel.

    Perhaps they should consider reflecting on their own human rights record, as widely reported by Amnesty International and similar organisations, according to which they are denying basic human rights to their own citizens.

    Would they consider receiving all these special rapporteurs in visits to their own countries such as they have recommended to Israel to accept?

    Let me relate for a moment to the Lebanese ambassadors criticisms of Israel. Rather than criticising Israel and alleged detentions, Lebanon might be best advised to fulfil their part in Security Council resolution 425, which Israel fully implemented on May 25th this year by withdrawing unilaterally from Lebanon. It is incumbent on Lebanon to prevent radical terrorist groups like Hizbollah, from operating on her soil. Just a week ago, the Hizbollah terrorist organisation kidnapped three Israeli soldiers in a cross-border operation. These soldiers are still being held on Lebanese territory, while Hizbollah acts from Lebanese territory against Israel with impunity. The Amnesty International Report about Lebanese violations of human rights is lengthy and detailed. It makes for recommended reading.

    Mr. Chairman,

    Let me remind distinguished delegates why civilians are hurt during these riots. They are hurt because someone sends them to demonstrate and riot. They are demonstrating, not with sticks and stones as some representatives allege, rather they are using guns, molotov cocktails, machine guns, knowing that if they shoot and attack there will be casualties. I have many pictures here with me to document how young kids use weapons against Israeli soldiers as well as those who train them, if you just care to examine these photos on the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs internet site or the ones with me here today.

    Mr. Chairman,

    We regret the loss of lives and we adopt the idea raised here today to call upon youngsters, and adults as well, not to go out to riot, thus avoiding casualties.

    Israel on her part has renewed her efforts, as I reported here today to halt the violence and prevent additional loss of life. We expect the Palestinian Authority would undertake similar measures fulfilling obligations to maintain security and end the violence and thus we will make progress for ending the violence in the area and then renewing the negotiations.

    I can report to you that already today, the Palestinian and Israeli heads of security have met to start ironing out the understandings reached at Sharm El Sheikh. However, the Fatah at this very time is conducting public rallies against the agreement.

    Mr. Chairman,

    All the grievances raised here are to be addressed at the negotiating table. Frustrations and grievances are no justification for violent rioting, which would not be condoned by any Government represented here if it happened back home.

    Mr. Chairman,

    Israelis and Palestinians differ on many issues, some of them substantial. That is why we met at Oslo to negotiate an agreement. That is why we gathered at Camp David, to negotiate tough issues, including Jerusalem. The absence of an agreement is no reason for rioting.

    In conclusion Mr. Chairman,

    Rather than continuing to level accusations at each other, let us support the efforts of the participants at the Sharm Summit in putting an end to the violence and renewing the efforts to negotiate peace.

    Statement by Israel Ambassador Ya'acov Levy at the 5th Special Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights - 17-Oct-2000
    Outbreak of Violence in Jerusalem and the Territories - Sept/Oct 2000